Time/Temperature Series (Every Day in 2014: Precipitation) |
“March 19, 2014”
Reed pen and india ink on BFK Rives paper
15” × 22”
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Mariemont, Ohio March 19, 2014 12:54 pm–1:42 pm cloudy with light rain mist, light wind 48 °F long-sleeved shirt, leggings, flannel-lined jeans, wool socks, fleece jacket, rain jacket, rain pants (old taped seams let water in), rain boots, bare hands and head glasses got very spotted bids chirping Alexander playing (location was his choice) second grade arrived; swarmed around, watching, asking questions; then left first half of drawing was putting ink on (already damp) paper, which spread instantly as it hit the tiny drops; second half consisted of raindrops falling, accumulating in inky pools, obscuring intentional marks, tilting drawing to let these murky pools run off periodically (grass blades grabbed inky runoff from edge), drawing reemerged dog (“Daisy”) scared Alexander when I wasn’t looking