Jennifer Lanski
a project from the studio of Jennifer Lanski
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“Gift” Subscriptions
Current (and Past)
Alternate (subjective) subscriptions
Choose your subscription level:
Starving art lover ($6 per month)
Considering buying art ($11 per month)
Have a few pieces already ($21 per month)
Running out of wall space ($51 per month)
Looking for a museum to donate my collection to ($201 per month)
Thinking of building my own museum ($1,001 per month)
If you prefer, you can also
subscribe using the more specific income level structure
Or maybe you want to
subscribe to the project as a “giver” and specify a “designated recipient.”
Choose your mailing destination:
Choose your subscription term:
4 Months $24.00 USD
8 Months $48.00 USD
12 Months $72.00 USD
Name, address, and email to be used (if different from PayPal information):
Choose your subscription term:
4 Months ($24 + $10 int'l postage fee) $34.00 USD
8 Months ($48 + $20 int'l postage fee) $68.00 USD
12 Months ($72 + $30 int'l postage fee) $102.00 USD
Name, address, and email to be used (if different from PayPal information):
Choose your subscription term:
4 Months $44.00 USD
8 Months $88.00 USD
12 Months $132.00 USD
Name, address, and email to be used (if different from PayPal information):
Choose your subscription term:
4 Months ($44 + $10 int'l postage fee) $54.00 USD
8 Months ($88 + $20 int'l postage fee) $108.00 USD
12 Months ($132 + $30 int'l postage fee) $162.00 USD
Name, address, and email to be used (if different from PayPal information):
Choose your subscription term:
4 Months $84.00 USD
8 Months $168.00 USD
12 Months $252.00 USD
Name, address, and email to be used (if different from PayPal information):
Choose your subscription term:
4 Months ($84 + $10 int'l postage fee) $94.00 USD
8 Months ($168 + $20 int'l postage fee) $188.00 USD
12 Months ($252 + $30 int'l postage fee) $282.00 USD
Name, address, and email to be used (if different from PayPal information):
Choose your subscription term:
4 Months $204.00 USD
8 Months $408.00 USD
12 Months $612.00 USD
Name, address, and email to be used (if different from PayPal information):
Choose your subscription term:
4 Months ($204 + $10 int'l postage fee) $214.00 USD
8 Months ($408 + $20 int'l postage fee) $428.00 USD
12 Months ($612 + $30 int'l postage fee) $642.00 USD
Name, address, and email to be used (if different from PayPal information):
Choose your subscription term:
4 Months $804.00 USD
8 Months $1,608.00 USD
12 Months $2,412.00 USD
Name, address, and email to be used (if different from PayPal information):
Choose your subscription term:
4 Months ($804 + $10 int'l postage fee) $814.00 USD
8 Months ($1,608 + $20 int'l postage fee) $1,628.00 USD
12 Months ($2,412 + $30 int'l postage fee) $2,442.00 USD
Name, address, and email to be used (if different from PayPal information):
Choose your subscription term:
4 Months $4,004.00 USD
8 Months $8,008.00 USD
Name, address, and email to be used (if different from PayPal information):
PayPal does not handle payments over $10,000. Please
contact the artist
to subscribe for 12 months.
Choose your subscription term:
4 Months ($4,004 + $10 int'l postage fee) $4,014.00 USD
8 Months ($8,008 + $20 int'l postage fee) $8,028.00 USD
Name, address, and email to be used (if different from PayPal information):
PayPal does not handle payments over $10,000. Please
contact the artist
to subscribe for 12 months.
Copyright © Jennifer Lanski, 2013–2022