Jennifer Lanski | • • • • |
COVID-19 Response |
Dear Friends,
In light of the metaphorical darkness of these times, I wish to announce my latest, experimental art project:
Beginning March 19, and each day thereafter* (for as long/short as this disruption lasts), I will work for (at least) 19 minutes on a project*, and post an image of the visual evidence of that stage in the process for you to see (by 9 pm PDT)*, for free, here on my website:
(*I hope: all plans subject to change in our rapidly shifting reality)
Though galleries, museums, and other cultural institutions are physically closed, creativity and cultural production continue, and can continue to be shared.
The images from previous days will be archived on the page, so you don’t need to worry if you do not visit the site each day, but of course you may!
Comments are always welcome. And as with any work in progress, please remember the adage: don’t judge a work until it’s finished! (And then don’t judge too harshly—this is a new direction, and I plan to experiment, learn, grow, and hopefully have a little fun in there somewhere.)
Feel free to share with anyone you think might, possibly, be interested.
– Jennifer
6.15.20 ← |
![]() | → 6.17.20 |
there was no plan; it was all about the process (and then of course I have to put it up here and it turns into product, suddenly) ⋅ when this all started we thought somehow it would be relatively brief—not too short, but not all that long really; I think I got library books to last a month or two thinking that was being paranoid, thinking of ”Frederick” and ”The Long Winter” though I have not yet cracked the books of poetry we were all going to read aloud... ⋅ and now it looks endless; gradual change but how long till a return to ”normal”? Never, because it will be so long till then that ”normal” will have shifted. As always we will not go back to something, but forward to something else; we’re just not usually so aware of it, nor is the process so painfully slow, or just so much in the foreground of our lives. ⋅ So maybe patience is wrong. Maybe we need tolerance of extended discomfort and difficulty. Maybe we’re sitting here being too passive and wanting things to go back when we have to create the forward and accept what may be here to stay. Or maybe I just need to get some sleep. ⋅ Anyway, without a clear end but more likely a gradual shifting and shifting again, the question has arisen, ”When will the project end?” And the answer is, of course, consistent with everything else right now: ”No one knows.” ⋅ 8½” × 11” ⋅ india ink on acid-free cardstock
Copyright © Jennifer Lanski, 2004–2020